Our Progress
During December 2021
During November 2021
During October 2021
During September 2021

During August 2021
During July 2021
During June 2021
During May 2021
During April 2021
During March 2021
During February 2021
During January 2021
During December 2020
During November 2020
During October 2020
During September 2020
moved on 47 FeedHV runs.

1 new agency registered.
3 new volunteers registered
In addition to the FeedHV runs, 1,230 pounds of dairy products donated to several agencies throughout the Hudson Valley through a collaboration with Scenic Hudson.
YTD 2020: FeedHV runs have rescued and redirected over 44 tons of food. That’s the equivalent of 73,562 meals!
During August 2020
2 new food donors registered.
1 new agency registered.
2 new volunteers registered.
In addition to the FeedHV volunteer runs, in collaboration with Scenic Hudson, 1,410 Lbs of food was secured and distributed.
YTD 2020:
YTD FeedHV runs have rescued and redirected over 41 tons of food. That’s the equivalent of 68,745
moved on 42
FeedHV runs.
During July 2020
2 new food donors registered.
2 new agencies registered
4 new volunteers registered.
In addition, through collaboration with Scenic Hudson, 14,010 pounds of dairy products were donated to several agencies throughout the Hudson Valley.
YTD 2020:
Feed HV runs have rescued and redirected over 39 tons of food. That’s the equivalent of 65,499 meals!
33 FeedHV runs.
moved on 33 FeedHV runs.

During June 2020
2 new food donor registered
2 new agency registered
1 new volunteers registered
In addition to the FeedHV volunteer runs, in collaboration with Scenic Hudson,
3,900 pounds of dairy products donated to several agencies throughout the Hudson Valley.

on 25
FeedHV runs
During May 2020
1 new food donor registered
1 new agency registered
4 new volunteers registered
44,308 pounds of dairy products donated to several agencies throughout the Hudson Valley through a collaboration with Scenic Hudson.
1,320 pounds of yogurt donated by Chobani —redistributed to three agencies.
on 25
FeedHV runs
YTD 2020:
FeedHV runs have rescued and redirected over 30 tons of food.
That's the equivalent of 56,488 meals